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Other Berkeley Remote ("r") Commands (rcp, ruptime, rwho)
The rlogin and rsh
commands are the generic members of the Berkeley r family
of programs that allow remote access to a host. To complement these,
a small number of specific remote commands were also defined. These
are essentially remote versions of some of the more common UNIX functionsinstead
of the command being applied to only one system, however, it is used
between two systems or across all systems on a TCP/IP network.
All of these commands are based on
rlogin the same way that rsh is. They work in the same
way, but instead of opening up a session or passing a user-specified
command to the remote host, they execute a particular function. The
following are the most common of these remote commands and briefly,
how each is used:
- Remote Copy (rcp): This is the
remote version of the UNIX copy (cp) command; it allows a file
to be copied between the local host and the remote host, or between
two remote hosts. The usual syntax is basically the same as the regular
cp command, but the source and/or destination is specified as
being on a remote host.
The rcp command can be used in a manner similar to FTP,
but is much simpler and less capable. Or to put it another way: rcp
is to FTP, what rlogin is to Telnet.
(Thats not a perfect analogy, but its pretty close.)
- Remote Uptime (ruptime): The UNIX
command uptime is used to display how long a computer has been
running since it was last booted, along with information related to
its current load. ruptime is the remote version of this command;
it displays the current status of each machine on the network (up or
down), how long each up machine has been up since its last boot, and
its load statistics.
- Remote Who (rwho): This is the
remote version of the who command. Where who shows all
the users logged on to the host where it is run, rwho shows all
users logged on to all machines on the network.
The ruptime and rwho
commands both rely on the presence of the rwhod (remote who
daemon) running in the background on networked machines. These processes
routinely share information with each other about host uptime and who
is logged on to each system, so it can be quickly displayed when either
ruptime or rwho is run.
On some operating systems, other
remote commands may also be implemented. As with rlogin and rsh,
security issues may apply to these commands, and there may be efficiency
concerns with others (such as rwho). For these reasons, on many
networks these commands are no longer used.

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Version 3.0 - Version Date: September 20, 2005
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