DHCP Message Format
When DHCP was created, its developers
had a bit of an issue related to how exactly they should structure DHCP
messages. BOOTP was already widely used, and maintaining compatibility
between DHCP and BOOTP was an important goal. This meant that DHCP's
designers needed to continue using the existing BOOTP message format.
However, DHCP has more functionality than BOOTP, and this means more
information than can easily be held in the limited BOOTP
message format.
This apparent contradiction was resolved
in two ways. First, the existing BOOTP message format was maintained
for basic functionality, but DHCP clients and servers were programmed
to use the BOOTP message fields in slightly different ways. Second,
the BOOTP vendor extensions were formalized and became DHCP options,
as we'll see in the next two topics. Despite the name options,
some of these are in fact the additional fields needed for basic DHCP
functionality, and are quite mandatory. J
With this dual approach, DHCP devices
have access to the extra information they need. Meanwhile, the basic
field format is unchanged, which allows DHCP servers to communicate
with older BOOTP clients, which ignore the extra DHCP information that
doesn't relate to them. See
the topic on BOOTP/DHCP interoperability for more.
Table 189
describes the format of DHCP messages, which is also shown in Figure 267.
In the table, I have specifically indicated which fields are used in
DHCP in a manner similar to how they are used in BOOTP, and which are
significantly different.
Table 189: DHCP Message Format
Size (bytes)
Operation Code:
Specifies the general type of message. A value of 1 indicates a request
message, while a value of 2 is a reply message.
This code represents the general category of the DHCP message; a client
sending a request to a server uses an Op code of 1, while a server
replying uses a code of 2. So, for example, a DHCPREQUEST would
be a request, while a DHCPACK or DHCPNAK is a reply. The
actual specific type of DHCP message is encoded using the DHCP
Message Type option.
Hardware Address Length:
Specifies how long hardware addresses are in this message. For Ethernet
or other networks using IEEE 802 MAC addresses, the value is 6. This
is also the same as a field in the ARP field
format, HLN.
Set to 0 by a client before transmitting a request and used by relay
agents to control the forwarding of BOOTP
and/or DHCP messages.
Transaction Identifier:
A 32-bit identification field generated by the client, to allow it to
match up the request with replies received from DHCP servers.
In BOOTP this field was vaguely defined and not always used. For DHCP,
it is defined as the number of seconds elapsed since a client began
an attempt to acquire or renew a lease. This may be used by a busy DHCP
server to prioritize replies when multiple client requests are outstanding.
IP Address: The client puts its own current IP address in this
field if and only if it has a valid IP address while in the BOUND,
RENEWING or REBINDING states; otherwise, it sets the field
to 0. The client can only use this field when its address is actually
valid and usable, not during the process of acquiring an address. Specifically,
the client does not use this field to request a particular IP address
in a lease; it uses the Requested IP Address DHCP
Your IP Address:
The IP address that the server is assigning to the client.
IP Address: The meaning of this field is slightly changed in
DHCP. In BOOTP, it is the IP address of the BOOTP server sending a BOOTREPLY
message. In DHCP, it is the address of the server that the client should
use for the next step in the bootstrap process, which may or may not
be the server sending this reply.
The sending server always includes its own IP address in the Server
Identifier DHCP
Gateway IP Address:
This field is used just as it is in BOOTP, to route BOOTP messages when
BOOTP relay agents are involved to facilitate the communication of BOOTP
requests and replies between a client and a server on different subnets
or networks. See
the topic on DHCP relaying. As with BOOTP,
this field is not used by clients and does not represent the server
giving the client the address of a default router (that's done using
the Router DHCP
Hardware Address: The hardware (layer two) address of the client,
which is used for identification and communication.
Server Name: The
server sending a DHCPOFFER or DHCPACK message may optionally
put its name in this field. This can be a simple text nickname
or a fully-qualified
DNS domain name (such as myserver.organization.org).
This field may also be used to carry DHCP options, using the option
overload feature, indicated by the
value of the DHCP Option Overload option.
Filename: Optionally used by a client to request a particular
type of boot file in a DHCPDISCOVER message. Used by a server
in a DHCPOFFER to fully specify a boot file directory path and
This field may also be used to carry DHCP options, using the option
overload feature, indicated by the
value of the DHCP Option Overload option.
Options: Holds
options, including several parameters
required for basic DHCP operation. Note that this field was fixed at
64 bytes in length in BOOTP but is variable in length in DHCP. See the
next two topics for more information. This field may be used by both
client and server.
Figure 267: DHCP Message Format

The DHCP standard does
not specify the details of how DHCP messages are encapsulated within
UDP. I would assume that due to the other similarities to BOOTP, DHCP
maintains BOOTP's optional use of message checksums. It also most likely
assumes that messages will not be fragmented (sent with the Do Not
Fragment bit set to 1 in the IP
datagram). This is to allow BOOTP clients
to avoid the complexity of reassembling
fragmented messages.
I should point out, however, that
DHCP messages are variable in length, compared to BOOTP's fixed message
size. This was done by changing BOOTP's 64-byte Vend field into
the variable-length Options field. DHCP relies on options much
more than BOOTP does, and a device must be capable of accepting a message
with an Options field at least 312 bytes in length. The SName
and File fields may also be used to carry options, as described
in the next topic.
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