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Message Formatting: Headers, Payloads and Footers
Messages are the structures
used to send information over networks. They vary greatly from one protocol
or technology to the next in how they are used, and as I described in
previous topic, they are also called by
many different names. Shakespeare had the right idea about names, however.
The most important way that messages differ is not in what they are
called but in terms of their content.
Every protocol uses a special formatting
method that determines the structure of the messages it employs.
Obviously, a message that is intended to connect a Web server and a
Web browser is going to be quite different from one that connects two
Ethernet cards at a low level. This is why I separately describe the
formats of dozens of different protocol messages in various parts of
this Guide.
Fundamental Message Elements
While the format of a particular
message type depends entirely on the nature of the technology that uses
it, messages on the whole tend to follow a fairly uniform overall structure.
In generic terms, each message contains the following three basic elements
(see Figure 3):
- Header: Information that is placed before
the actual data. The header normally contains a small number of bytes
of control information, which is used to communicate important facts
about the data that the message contains and how it is to be interpreted
and used. It serves as the communication and control link between protocol
elements on different devices.
- Data: The actual data to be transmitted,
often called the payload of the message (metaphorically borrowing
a term from the space industry!) Most messages contain some data of
one form or another, but some actually contain none: they are used only
for control and communication purposes. For example, these may be used
to set up or terminate a logical connection before data is sent.
- Footer: Information that is placed after
the data. There is no real difference between the header and the footer,
as both generally contain control fields. The term trailer is
also sometimes used.
Figure 3: Network Message Formatting In the most general of terms, a message consists of a data payload to be communicated, bracketed by a set of header and footer fields. The data of any particular message sent in a networking protocol will itself contain an encapsulated higher-layer message containing a header, data, and footer. This nesting can occur many times as data is passed down a protocol stack. The header is found in most protocol messages; the footer only in some.

Since the header and footer can both
contain control and information fields, you might rightly wonder what
the point is of having a separate footer anyway. One reason is that
some types of control information are calculated using the values of
the data itself. In some cases, it is more efficient to perform this
computation as the data payload is being sent, and then transmit the
result after the payload in a footer. A good example of a field often
found in a footer is redundancy data, such as a CRC code, that can be
used for error detection by the receiving device. Footers are most often
associated with lower-layer protocols, especially at the data
link layer of the OSI Reference Model.
Key Concept: The general format of a networking message consists of a header, followed by the data or payload of the message, followed optionally by a footer. Header and footer information is functionally the same except for position in the message; footer fields are only sometimes used, especially in cases where the data in the field is calculated based on the values of the data being transmitted. |
Interpretation of Message Elements
Generally speaking, any particular
protocol is only concerned with its own header (and footer, if
present). It doesn't care much about what is in the data portion of
the message, just as a delivery person only worries about driving the
truck and not so much on what it contains. At the beginning of that
data will normally be the headers of other protocols that were used
higher up in the protocol stack; this too is shown in Figure 3.
In the OSI Reference Model, a message handled by a particular protocol
is said to be its protocol data unit or PDU; the data
it carries in its payload is its service data unit or SDU.
The SDU of a lower-layer protocol is usually a PDU of a higher-layer
protocol. The
discussion of data encapsulation contains
a full explanation of this important concept.
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Version 3.0 - Version Date: September 20, 2005
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