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TCP Connection Establishment Process: The "Three-Way Handshake"
(Page 4 of 4)
Simultaneous Open Connection Establishment
TCP is also set up to handle the
situation where both devices perform an active OPEN instead of
one doing a passive OPEN. This may occur if two clients are trying
to reach each other instead of a client and a server. It is uncommon,
however, and only happens under certain circumstances.Simultaneous connection
establishment can also only happen if a well-known port is used as the
source port for one of the devices.
In this case, the steps are different
for both devices. Each client will perform an active OPEN and
then proceed through both the SYN-SENT and SYN-RECEIVED
states until their SYNs are acknowledged. This means there isn't
a three-way handshake any more as shown in Table 152.
Instead, it is like two simultaneous two-way handshakes.
Each client sends a SYN, receives the other's SYN and
ACKs it, and then waits for its own ACK. The transaction,
simplified, is described in Table 153
and Figure 212.
Table 153: TCP Simultaneous Open Connection Establishment Procedure
Move To
Move To
Client A Step #1 Transmit:
Client A performs an active OPEN, creating a TCB and sending
a SYN message to the server.
Client B Step #1 Transmit:
Client B performs an active OPEN, creating a TCB and sending
a SYN to the server.
Client B
Step #1 Receive and Step #2 Transmit: Client A receives Client
B's SYN and sends it an ACK. It is still waiting
for an ACK to its own SYN.
Client A
Step #1 Receive and Step #2 Transmit: Client B receives Client
A's SYN and sends it an ACK. It is still waiting
for an ACK to its own SYN.
Client A Step #2 Receive:
Client A receives the ACK from Client B for its
SYN and is done with connection establishment.
Client B Step #2 Receive:
Client B receives the ACK from Client A for its
SYN and is done with connection establishment.
Figure 212: TCP Simultaneous Open Connection Establishment Procedure This diagram shows what happens when two devices try to open a connection to each other at the same time. In this case instead of a three-way handshake, each sends a SYN and receives an ACK. They each follow the same sequence of states, which differs from both sequences in the normal three-way handshake.

To keep the table size
down, I have shown the activities performed by the two devices occurring
simultaneously (in the same row). In real life the actions
dont need to occur at exactly the same time, and probably wont.
All that has to happen for the simultaneous procedure to be followed
is that each device receives a SYN before getting an ACK for their own
SYN, as Figure 212
Key Concept: If one device setting up a TCP connection sends a SYN and then receives a SYN from the other one before its SYN is acknowledged, the two devices perform a simultaneous open, which consists of the exchange of two independent SYN and ACK message sets. The end result is the same as the conventional three-way handshake, but the process of getting to the ESTABLISHED state is different. |
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Version 3.0 - Version Date: September 20, 2005
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